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Commercial Roofing Trends: Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Options

    Commercial Roofing Trends: Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Options Blog Cover

    As a commercial building owner or manager, you know how important it is to keep your roof in good condition. A well-maintained roof protects your property, your tenants, and your bottom line. But did you know that your roof can also help you save energy, reduce waste, and contribute to a greener future? Sustainable commercial roofing is a growing trend that offers many benefits for both the environment and your business!

    What is sustainable commercial roofing?

    Sustainable commercial roofing is a broad term that encompasses various roofing systems and practices designed to reduce environmental impact of roofing industry activities. Some of the key aspects are:

    • Energy efficiency

    Sustainable roofing systems can help reduce the amount of energy needed to heat and cool your building, by providing insulation, reflectivity, and ventilation. This can lower your utility bills and your carbon footprint. By choosing a roofing system that can reflect sunlight, emit heat, and provide insulation, you can reduce the amount of energy needed to cool or heat your building. This can lower your utility bills, your carbon footprint, and your roof maintenance costs!

    • Durability

    Sustainable roofing systems are designed to last longer and require less maintenance than conventional roofing systems. This can reduce the frequency and cost of roof repairs and replacements, and the amount of roofing materials that end up in landfills. Duro-Last’s custom-cut roofing system also reduces waste by creating a membrane that fits your roof perfectly, without excess! 

    Sustainable Commercial Roofing Options

    Duro-Last is a leading manufacturer of prefabricated single-ply roofing systems that are custom-made to fit your building. Duro-Last roofing systems are highly energy-efficient, durable, and resistant to fire, wind, and punctures. They are also made from recycled materials and can be easily recycled at the end of their life span. Duro-Last is one of the few roofing manufacturers that have achieved Platinum certification from the NSF/ANSI 347 Sustainability Assessment for Single Ply Roofing Membranes!


    Metal Retro-Fitting is another great option from Great Lakes Roofing! Duro-Last’s metal retro-fitting system is a sustainable commercial roofing solution that covers an existing metal roof with a PVC single-ply membrane. This system can prevent leaks, rust, and corrosion, and improve the energy efficiency and durability of the metal roof! Duro-Last’s metal retro-fitting system is custom-made to fit the building and can be installed quickly and safely. It is also backed by a comprehensive warranty and certified by NSF/ANSI 347 for sustainability as well!


    At Great Lakes Roofing, our goal is to offer only the highest-quality roofing solutions for your commercial building. As platinum level installers of Duro-Last and their metal retro-fit roofing systems we can assist in selecting a suitable, cost-effective sustainable commercial roofing system and installing it to highest quality and safety standards – we even offer maintenance, repair and best in class warranties! Get a free quote today!